Minutes 28th May 2020

Minutes Parish Council 28th May 2020

Chair: Cllr Simpson (DS)

Present: Councillors: Duncumb (JD), Hunt (SH), Turbin (WT), Gleeson (RG); Michelle Moss, Clerk (MM).

Apologies: Councillor Myers (PM),


Public Forum: Suspended for video conference meetings during COVID 19


  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman, and resolve to complete declarations at earliest convenience – SH proposed DS as Chairman; WT seconded; unanimously agreed.  SH proposed RG as Vice-Chairman; JD seconded; unanimously agreed.  MM noted that declarations would be delivered for signing.


  1. Chairman’s remarks – DS thanked SH for his time as Chairman and for all the support he had given the village over the last few years as Chairman including activities such as clearing the lane and personally installing the new bench on Mill Lane.  DS thanked PM for similar activities which supported the community; Mandy Roper for maintaining the defibrillator; Simon Plummer for completing the internal audit; and the Clerk for supporting the Council.


  1. Apologies for absence and reasons given – PM sent apologies due to poor internet reception.  Reason unanimously accepted.


  1. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act. None declared.


  1. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2019 – Unanimously accepted with no changes.


  1. To resolve to accept the decisions made via email during the COVID-19 period:


Decision details

Decision taken

Any further action


Planning consultation - Rear extension and alterations to existing public - GREEN MAN INN, OLD MAIN ROAD

Support with comments

None - noted


Planning consultation - Erection of an outbuilding on site of existing outbuilding which is to be demolished - BROOKSIDE FARM, MILL LANE

No comments

None - noted


Detailed particulars consultation - relating to the erection of a house and detached double garage (Outline planning permission granted on 6th April 2017) - LAND ADJACENT SCAMBLESBY FILLING STATION, MAIN ROAD

No comments

None - noted


Resolve to pay:

LALC subs -£82.66

Salaries (April)- £286

Hall hire - £66.50

Paediatric pads - £67.67

Printer Ink - £27.49

PC insurance for 20/21(5yr fix, year 3) - £192.04

Payments agreed

None - noted


  1. To agree a response to planning application: N/149/00777/20 - Erection of 2no. pairs of semi-detached workers cottages and car parking in connection with the existing race horse business and on the site of existing mobile homes which are to be removed. HIGHFIELD HOUSE, INGS LANE, SCAMBLESBY :- Online Planning

It was noted that there appear to be several discrepancies between the information provided on the planning application and the current situation, including the number of employees and the number of horses currently housed at the premises. The Council questioned the need and purpose for the development given that the existing caravans had not been habited for at least 5 years.  It was noted that the main access is stated as off Mill Lane, but this is a right of access across another residents’ land, and would not be suitable for the increased volume of traffic generated from the proposed cottages, used either as workers housing or holiday cottages.  It was suggested as more likely that the increased traffic would use Ings Lane, an unadopted, private road, which is considered wholly unsuitable for the increased volume of traffic caused by this development.   It was also noted that the proposed number of properties seemed excessive for the size of the plot being made available; that it is not in keeping with the character of the lane & village; that the plans have the proposed properties sited too close to the edge of the road rather than being sited in the position of the caravans they are replacing.  It was noted that the lane is narrow and is used by large agricultural vehicles.  Councillors unanimously agreed to object to this application for the reasons discussed including that the need cannot be clearly established, the access is wholly unsuitable and development of this size is inappropriate & unnecessary given the existing number of houses along this unadopted track in an AONB. It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk would draft a response and circulate for comment and approval prior to submission.


  1. To receive reports from District and County Councillors (if available) - None


  1. To review and agree the Standing Orders and Code of Conduct, for Scamblesby Parish Council – Both documents were unanimously approved with no suggested changes.


  1.    Financial matters:
    1. To resolve to agree that Scamblesby Parish Council meets the AGAR exemption criteria and wishes to be an exempt authority, not subject to external audit limited assurance review for the year 2019/2020 – Unanimously resolved to remain an exempt authority.
    2. To consider and resolve to approve the Annual Internal Audit report – Report reviewed and Mr Plummer was thanked for completing the report.  IA report unanimously approved.
    3. To consider and resolve to accept the Annual Governance Statement – Statements reviewed by all Councillors.  Unanimously resolved that the Council has a sound system of control and that the Governance Statements have all been adhered to.
    4. To consider and resolve to accept the Annual Accounting Statements and Annual Bank Reconciliation – Unanimously resolved that the annual accounting statements and annual bank reconciliation are correct and accepted by the Council.
    5. To review and approve the Financial Regulations – Unanimously resolved to accept the Financial regulations.
    6. To receive an updated list of assets - Unanimously resolved to accept the updated list of assets.
    7. To review the risk log - Unanimously resolved to accept the updated risk log.
    8. To receive an updated bank reconciliation from RFO – MM noted that rather than completing the manual ‘Cash book’ she has transferred data to a spreadsheet and would be sending this to the Councillors for review before each meeting to give greater transparency to accounts.  Reconciliation unanimously accepted - appendix 1.
    9. To consider and approve income/ payments due including: Salaries 1.7.20 - £286; Income: Precept £1995; £180 field rent – Unanimously resolved to accept all payments and receipts.


  1. To agree date for the next meeting – 24th September 8pm.  Agreed that if social distancing measures are still in place the meeting will be another virtual meeting.


RG requested that an update on broadband for the village and discussion on next steps is included on the Sept agenda.


Meeting closed 7.45pm





Appendix 1 – Bank Reconciliation